DonniEYE 名稱擷取自甄子丹的英文名字「DONNIE YEN」,更特別強調「EYE」,以表示品牌從他的視野和美學出發進行設計。一般明星品牌往往只著重外表款式,不過 DONNIEYE 卻突破傳統,內外兼備,不僅兼顧潮流時尚造型,更著重功能性、創新結構與產品研發,設計出配戴舒適、貼合亞洲人臉型的時尚功能性眼鏡系列。品牌巧妙地以「功夫精神」貫穿品牌理念和產品,特別對可以令鏡臂更穩固、靈活的功能性鉸鏈研發尤為看重。
The name “DonniEYE” is derived from the English name of renowned actor Donnie Yen, with a particular emphasis on “EYE” to signify that the brand’s designs are inspired by his vision and aesthetics. While many celebrity brands tend to focus solely on outward appearance, DonniEYE breaks this tradition by combining both style and substance. The brand not only embraces fashionable designs but also prioritizes functionality, innovative structures, and product development. This results in a collection of stylish and functional eyewear that offers comfort and is tailored to fit Asian facial shapes. The brand cleverly integrates the spirit of Kung Fu into its philosophy and products, placing special emphasis on the development of functional hinges that enhance stability and flexibility.