
    EYEVAN 誕生於 1972 年,是日本第一個時尚眼鏡品牌,EYEVAN 一直以「眼鏡就是時尚裝飾品」作為品牌理念,設計出精美而恆久不衰的眼鏡臻品。EYEVAN 眼鏡由眼鏡之鄉、手工眼鏡的聖地 – 日本福井鯖江市所製,每一副眼鏡均是由經驗豐富的匠人精心錘鍊,結合了日本百年傳統的手工技藝以及尖端技術,展現出設計團隊獨樹一幟的美學觀與對製作眼鏡的用心。

    EYEVAN is the first fashion eyewear brand in Japan, being born with the concept of “Eyewear for dressing as a fashion item” in 1972.
    The products of EYEVAN are made by the hands of skilled craftsman and the state-of the art machine tools in Sabae, Fukui prefecture which is well known as the place of eyewear production in the world. With the traditional and the latest processes, you may feel aesthetic sense and sensitivity of the design team.