
    MASAHIROMARUYAMA 的設計是源於對藝術的深刻理解與探索,致力於通過“未完成的藝術”理念,尋找不完美中的美。創始人丸山正弘以藝術為靈感,打破眼鏡設計的固有框架,讓每一副眼鏡都超越功能的束縛,而佩戴者能從中獲得愉悅感。品牌一直挑戰經典設計的對稱性,在作品中融入不對稱美學,呈現出隨意和自由的風格形象,鼓勵人們超越傳統思維,重新審視美的定義。每一副眼鏡都蘊含著獨特的故事和個性,旨在讓佩戴者在日常生活中感受到藝術的魅力。

    Unfinished Art. Shapes created through questioning perfection
    Art is a huge source of inspiration for Masahiro Maruyama. He has been making design proposals that provide enjoyment to you with the frames themselves not just for daily use or as a fashion statement. The concept is “unfinished art ––finding beauty in the incomplete through questioning perfection”. Whereas classical frame designs are symmetrical and beautifully completed, Masahiro’s “unfinished” asymmetric frames impress us with the element of surprise as well as innovation by intentionally creating casual and freestyle images of designs, thinking outside the box.