日本品牌 EYE s CLOUD 在日本和海外都受到各個年齡層和性別的配戴者喜愛。眼鏡輕盈如雲朵、舒適地貼合用家的臉型、堅固耐用、安全可靠,符合日本標準的高品質水平。EYE s CLOUD 眼鏡的輕盈舒適會讓您忘記自己正在戴著眼鏡。
EYE s CLOUD is a Japanese brand that has long been loved by people of all generations and genders, not only in Japan but also overseas. The overwhelming lightness like a cloud, comfortable fitting, strong durability, and safe and reliable of high quality of Japanese standard. So light and comfort that you may forget that you are wearing EYE s CLOUD.