
    ByWP 對未來的看法是無限的原創性和不斷的創新。品牌認為眼鏡不僅僅是配飾,更是穿戴者個性和創新技術的體現。ByWP 透過突破性的技術和材料來創造全新的眼鏡——它不僅超越現有的視覺設計,而且將舒適性和功能性提升到一個新的水平。在追求完美和進步的推動下,品牌努力不斷設定品質和美學的新標準。

    ByWP 眼鏡擁有鮮明的設計理念和超輕結構,代表了美學和功能的綜合體。這些揉合優雅氣質與卓越技術的設計讓品牌多次獲得享負盛名的設計獎項認可,包括 GOOD DESIGN、if-award、Red Dot 和德國設計獎。

    ByWP’s view of the future is one of boundless originality and ceaseless innovation. We see a world where eyewear is not just an accessory, but an expression of individuality and technological progress. We rely on groundbreaking technologies and materials to create the next generation of eyewear – one which not only surpasses visual expectations, but also takes comfort and functionality to a new level. Driven by a continuous quest for perfection and constant pursuit of advancement, we strive to keep setting new standards for quality and aesthetics.

    Through its clear design concept and ultralight structure, ByWP represents a synthesis of aesthetics and functionality. This unparalleled combination of elegance and technological excellence has already been recognized through by repeated honours with the most prestigious awards for outstanding design, including GOOD DESIGN, the if-award, the Red Dot and the German Design Award.