Lafont 開創了一段 100 年的家族歷史以及從巴黎精品店到世界知名品牌的獨特軌跡。Lafont 的故事始於 1923 年 Louis Lafont 在巴黎開設精品眼鏡店。Laurence Lafont 和 Philippe Lafont 在 80 年代推出了讓品牌攀上高峰的經典型號 GENIE。如今,第四代傳人 Thomas 和 Matthieu 帶領此富有獨特性的品牌向前邁進。
Lafont 眼鏡充滿浪漫的巴黎風格和繽紛的色彩,鮮明出眾的顏色和圖案與不同風格的輪廓碰撞,形成獨特而優雅的設計。品牌巧妙地將傳統與時尚相結合,靈活運用手工工藝與當代製鏡技術,彰顯深厚的眼鏡專業知識與法國製造的優良品質。
100 years of family saga. A unique trajectory from Paris to a world-renowned House. Louis Lafont in 1923, opened his optical store at 11 rue Vignon, Paris. A decisive turn is taken in the 80s. Laurence and Philippe Lafont launch their iconic “Génie” frames. Today, Thomas and Matthieu Lafont are at the helm of the company, whose independence remains a true state of mind.
Color as a signature and authenticity. Lafont is all about colorful Parisian style. Signature colors and patterns combine with seasonal hues to create unique and exclusive frames. The unique combination of craftsmanship and high technology is also fundamental to Lafont. Our “Origine France Garantie” label reflects the authenticity of our eyewear expertise and French manufacturing. A single passion guides our collections: that of a beautiful product made with care and attention to detail.