KUBORAUM 的設計前曕性強,眼鏡系列超時尚,品牌強調要突顯佩戴者的獨特個性和風格。KUBORAUM 善於利用不一樣的質感、顏色,創造出大膽創新的設計和裝飾,並透過組合不同物料、線條來營造強烈立體感。 KUBORAUM 鏡框上沒有顯眼的品牌標誌,非凡獨特又驚喜的鏡框風格就是品牌的專屬標記。KUBORAUM 所有眼鏡在柏林構思和設計,在意大利手工製造。
KUBORAUM are masks designed on the face of those who wear the masks that highlight personality and emphasize character. The mask is synonymous with mockery, with game. The KUBORAUM masks are synonymous with accentuation, protection and shelter. KUBORAUM are like cubic rooms where we shelter ourselves, where we are free to live in our intimacy, where we live all our identities and look at the world through two lenses. All masks are dreamed in Berlin and handmade in Italy – a brand born in 2012.