iO frames are entirely designed and produced in the Veneto region, precisely where the Italian eyewear industry was born. Since today’s globalized world tends to standardize our thoughts and habits, iO’s mission is one and straightforward: it wants people to carve out a niche for their true self, to express their soul (in Italian indeed, io means “I”) without fear of being unconventional. That’s why iO includes several families of glasses and sunglasses, which stand out for their concepts, styles, but most of all for their unconventional designs. Each frame is handcrafted in every detail, and thus ensures high standards of quality.
iO品牌眼鏡在意大利眼鏡行業的搖籃地 – 威尼托地區設計和生產。由於時尚產業全球化,導致市場上流行單一的商品和趨勢,可是iO決意做出市場少見的設計,將藝術注入眼鏡當中,變化出大膽、前衛的外觀,讓眼鏡成為配戴者表現真我個性的最佳時尚配飾。IO設計出各式各樣造型時尚獨特的光學眼鏡和太陽眼鏡,每一個系列都有獨自的設計概念和個性。IO眼鏡以精雕細琢的手工完成,質量卓絕。