
    MODO Eyewear 自 1990 年成立以來,一直都是獨立眼鏡行業中的楷模,在紐約、米蘭和斯德哥爾摩設有分公司,是一個國際性的眼鏡企業。成立 33 年以來,MODO秉持對細節和質量的追求,自家品牌 Modo 及 Eco 的銷售點覆蓋全球80多個國家。
    MODO Eyewear 相信企業行善的影響力,持續履行企業社會責任,推出 MODO Buy a Frame Help a Child See 和 ECO One Frame One Tree計劃,前者幫助兒童重見光明,後者為環境增添綠色力量。
    Modo 是永恆的設計、極致的輕盈和持久的品質的代名詞。眼鏡系列始終透過對材料的不斷研究來突破創新的界限,以實現精緻美學和功能之間的完美平衡。

    Since 1990 MODO Eyewear is a reference in the independent eyewear industry, with offices in New York, Milan and Stockholm. Despite keeping a boutique company approach the group boasts an international distribution in over 80 countries worldwide with its house brands: Modo & Eco.
    MODO Eyewear believes in the power of being a company for good, making Purpose a core part of its Mission, with its initiatives MODO Buy a Frame Help a Child See & ECO One Frame One Tree.
    Modo is timeless design, extreme lightness and lasting quality. Modo collections always push the boundaries of innovation through continuous research into materials for a perfect balance between refined aesthetics and functionality.