Cutler and Gross,擁有最悠久歷史的小眾眼鏡品牌,其英國血統更勝以往,即使在歐洲也有強大的影響力。這個從 1969 年開始以傳承和強烈個性著稱的倫敦品牌,數十年來一直受到名人的喜愛。Cutler and Gross 的眼鏡以大膽的全框設計和奢華的金屬材質選項展現出卓越的品質和工藝。每一副眼鏡都在倫敦設計,並在意大利 Cadore 手工製作,保證給您訂制般的體驗和無可挑剔的質量。
Cutler and Gross, the oldest niche eyewear brand with English DNA stronger than ever, has a powerful impact even beyond Europe. Known for its heritage and strong character since 1969, this London-based brand has been favored by celebrities for decades. With bold, full-frame designs and luxurious metal options, Cutler and Gross eyewear showcases exceptional quality and craftsmanship. Each pair is designed in London and handcrafted in Cadore, Italy, ensuring a bespoke feel and impeccable quality.