
    美國品牌 BARTON PERREIRA  是2007 年由前 Oliver Peoples 總裁 Bill Barton 及設計總監 Patty Perreira 創立,而 Patty Perreira更曾於 PRADA, Jil Sander, PAUL SMITH 中擔任設計顧問,設計功架十足。Barton Perreira 眼鏡在設計上結合了歐美時尚設計觸覺及復古解構風格,在制作上則是交由有著名眼鏡之都的日本福井縣眼鏡工房職人以精細手功工藝製作,部分眼鏡型號專為亞洲人打造,更適合亞洲人的面型,亦將它迅速打進亞洲市場,並成為了許多名人與好萊塢明星們青睞的眼鏡品牌。

    Barton Perreira is a luxury eyewear brand founded in Los Angeles by eyewear industry icons Bill Barton and Patty Perreira. It is known for its non-compromising designs, precise craftsmanship, and casual luxury approach, and is made using high-end materials and innovative techniques. The brand uses pure Japanese titanium and plant-based acetates in its eyewear, and every piece is handmade in limited batches at workshops in Japan. The premium eyewear was adored around the world and worn by fans including Hollywood stars and popular celebrities.