Situated in the heart of Tokyo, one of the leading fashion hubs of the world, Nowhere Co., Ltd. strives to introduce Japanese street fashion culture to the world. Since the brand’s establishment in 1993, it has remained as a symbol of street fashion for more than 25 years. Thus far, it has produced iconic design items, original patterns and characters such as “APE HEAD”, “BAPE® CAMO”, “BAPE STA™”, “SHARK HOODIE” and “BABY MILO®” etc. It has now expanded into eyewear line and is carried throughout stores in Japan and also sold in US, UK, France, HK, China, Taiwan and various Asian countries.
無人不知的日本潮流品牌「 *A Bathing Ape® 」,將萬年不敗的「 BAPE® CAMO 」、「 APE HEAD 」作為設計標誌,從 1993 年創立至今,不僅是許多明星藝人穿戴的經典品牌,更與許多國際知名運動品牌創作聯名商品,受到許多粉絲推崇,逐步締造屬於它的潮流神話! A Bathing Ape 品牌在日本、香港、台灣、中國皆擁有廣大迴響,成為潮流人士的必備衣著。自 2014年 A Bathing Ape 正式推出「 眼鏡系列 」,延續「 BAPE® CAMO 」、「 APE HEAD 」的眼鏡設計,創造生動吸睛的時尚風格!