Yuichi Toyama, an impressive Japanese eyewear designer, uses his name to build up his eyewear brand. His brand philosophy is “traditional skills with innovative design” which means a distinctively beautiful design that features comfortability, functionality and durability. In 2015, he came across a group of kids playing “double dutch” in yoyogi park and came up with his most famous “Dutch design” which is composed of two metal rims crossed at the joint part of temple and front. In order to make this “Dutch design” stands out, light, durable and allergy free titanium all imported from Japan is selected for the materials. “Shadow design” in the lens is also a very unique characteristics of his collection.
外山雄一,一個備受矚目的日本眼鏡設計師,用自己的名字 “Yuichi Toyama” 建立了他自己的眼鏡品牌。他的品牌哲學理念是「傳統技術配合新晉設計」,言下之意是注重舒適感,功能性及耐久度的獨特美學設計。於二零一五年,他在代代木公園曾看見一群在玩「跳雙繩」的小朋友,從而激發了他創作著名的「Double Dutch」,其製作原意是將兩條鈦金屬線交叉於鏡臂和前圈的接合點。為求令「Double Dutch」更突出,物料均選用全日本生產,集輕盈,耐久,防敏感於一身的鈦金屬。鏡片裡的“影子”光暗設計也是他這個系列設計非常與眾不同的特徵。