
    PLASTA 是一個高品質的眼鏡品牌,它致力於通過簡約優雅和功能實用的設計理念,創作出視覺上優美流暢的線條,同時詮釋每個客戶獨一無二的個性。品牌的目標是提供優質的設計強調個性化風格,讓客戶能夠透過眼鏡展現其獨特身份、體驗真實的自我、頌揚個性與內在的多樣性。


    PLASTA is a high-quality eyewear brand that creates visually appealing lines by embracing the values of restrained elegance and functionality, all while capturing the diverse individuality of our customers. Our goal is to provide the finest eyewear that allows customers to express their unique identities and experience a special moment where they discover and embrace their true selves, celebrating individuality and inner diversity.

    Polyetherimide (PEI), an outstanding engineering plastic, forms the core of our glasses. Through extensive research and development in original design and injection technology, we manufacture slim, flexible products that deliver lightweight and comfortable glasses to our consumers