Designed in Germany and manufactured in Japan by the pioneer of functional eyewear — Four Nines (999.9), WOLFGANG PROKSCH specializes in small-batch of premier quality and limited eyewear. “Classic modernism” as design culture with an avantgarde twist, Japanese engineering and skilled handcraft lend the line its extraordinary character. A significant style element is the protected elastically revolute joint — “Touch Hinge”, which - in a unique way - creates a balanced spring effect. The best materials, such as titanium and acetate - both of Japanese origin are used exclusively in producing the glasses, in order to achieve the excellent haptics and visibly exquisite surface aesthetics.
WOLFGANG PROKSCH主張「經典現代主義」,並專注生產小批量的全球限量精品眼鏡。品牌邀得日本神級功能性眼鏡品牌999.9 (Four Nines) 製造眼鏡,將德國設計匯粹日本工程技術與精湛工藝,為佩戴者提供無與論比的舒適觸感和精緻時尚之優雅造型。品牌專利的「柔韌鉸鏈」最具標誌性,再配以符合人體工學之環抱式鏡臂、鏤空鏡腿、條紋綴飾和Asian-Fit鈦金屬鼻墊,讓系列更見精細及個性。

Hong Kong
Tidou 於 2014 年創立,以極簡創新為設計理念,設計師將常見的背包扣轉化為鉸鏈的元素,並不需要一口螺絲和焊接工序便可輕易將前框和鏡臂組裝一起,鉸鏈結構的外觀更成為品牌及每副眼鏡獨特的標誌。Tidou 眼鏡的主要物料為輕巧柔韌的 β- 鈦金屬,令配戴者感到輕盈及舒適。Tidou 於 2020 年獲得了日本 Good Design Award 2020,其後更獲德國的 IF Design Award 2022 和 German Award Design 2023 的獎項,設計得到了國際肯定。
Tidou was founded in 2014, and its design philosophy has consistently been rooted in extreme simplicity and innovation. Designers transformed the common backpack buckle into a hinge element, allowing for easy assembly of the front frame and temple without the need for screws or welding processes. The hinged structure's appearance has become the distinctive signature of the brand and each pair of glasses. The primary material used for Tidou glasses is lightweight and flexible beta-titanium metal, providing wearers with a sense of lightness and comfort. In 2020, Tidou received the Japan Good Design Award 2020. After, Tidou also received awards from Germany, including the IF Design Award 2022 and the German Award Design 2023, receiving international recognition for its designs.

Hong Kong
Miga Studio 深諳擁有廣闊視野的重要性,惟有真正洞悉時代,包括過去與現在,才能詮釋真正的奢華。品牌也從東方獲取靈感,尊崇日本極簡主義建築及傳統設計之美。Miga Studio 擅於利用不同物料製鏡,更會將其雕琢塑造成獨特的形狀,其會由原塊材料中提取出打破常規的框型,打造出富有份量感和特殊切割面的設計。品牌以匠心將不同物料作結合,例如鋁與日本鈦、Takiron 板材與鈦,成就創新與優雅的精妙融合。
Miga Studio understands the importance of being worldly, as true luxury is about the respectful understanding and innate attention towards time, both past and present. It also looks towards the East for inspiration, honouring the codes of minimalist Japanese architecture and their pride in designing through old ways.
We don't just work with materials; we sculpt and mold them into extraordinary shapes. From the monoblock, we extract frames that defy convention, creating unique items that play with volumes and faceting systems.
Miga Studio masterfully blends different materials like aluminum with Japanese titanium, and Takiron acetate with titanium, creating a sophisticated fusion of innovation and elegance. The dynamic interplay of these premium materials, along with a refined color palette, results in eyewear that defies convention and elevates personal style to a new level of luxury, embracing the modern classic style.

ByWP 對未來的看法是無限的原創性和不斷的創新。品牌認為眼鏡不僅僅是配飾,更是穿戴者個性和創新技術的體現。ByWP 透過突破性的技術和材料來創造全新的眼鏡——它不僅超越現有的視覺設計,而且將舒適性和功能性提升到一個新的水平。在追求完美和進步的推動下,品牌努力不斷設定品質和美學的新標準。
ByWP 眼鏡擁有鮮明的設計理念和超輕結構,代表了美學和功能的綜合體。這些揉合優雅氣質與卓越技術的設計讓品牌多次獲得享負盛名的設計獎項認可,包括 GOOD DESIGN、if-award、Red Dot 和德國設計獎。
ByWP’s view of the future is one of boundless originality and ceaseless innovation. We see a world where eyewear is not just an accessory, but an expression of individuality and technological progress. We rely on groundbreaking technologies and materials to create the next generation of eyewear – one which not only surpasses visual expectations, but also takes comfort and functionality to a new level. Driven by a continuous quest for perfection and constant pursuit of advancement, we strive to keep setting new standards for quality and aesthetics.
Through its clear design concept and ultralight structure, ByWP represents a synthesis of aesthetics and functionality. This unparalleled combination of elegance and technological excellence has already been recognized through by repeated honours with the most prestigious awards for outstanding design, including GOOD DESIGN, the if-award, the Red Dot and the German Design Award.

Klenze & Baum 是來自德國慕尼黑的新銳品牌,提供高科技、德國設計的輕量化現代風格眼鏡。自2018年以來,Klenze & Baum 以專利無螺絲可拆式鉸鏈設計、五年保修的球型鉸鏈及獨門的測量框架技術,研發出輕盈、舒適、具彈性的 3D 列印眼鏡。Klenze & Baum 的 3D 列印鏡框採用按需生產流程訂製,可在框型、鏡腿和鉸鏈的尺寸及配色提供多樣客製化服務,打造創新、永續、舒適的配戴體驗。
Klenze & Baum, based in Munich, offers high-tech, German-designed lightweight eyewear with a modern style. Since 2018, their 3D-printed frames have been customized through an on-demand production process. They feature two types of hinges and a 5-years warranty on their patented ball hinge, ensuring durability and flexibility. Made from polyamide powder, the frames are customizable in size, temple types, and colors, combining fashion and comfort with unique, sustainable designs.

Haffmans Neumeister:經典、簡約、創新、細緻。
由國際知名眼鏡設計師 Philipp Haffmans 創立,在德國柏林設計並及萊比錫手工製作,全程自主研發生產。獨特的無螺絲卯釘結構鉸鏈和輕薄鋼材質,帶來卓越舒適的配戴體驗;精雕細琢的經典鏡框,展現如珠寶般的簡約藝術之美。
Haffmans Neumeister: Classic, Simple, Innovative, Meticulous.
Founded in Berlin by internationally renowned eyewear designer Philipp Haffmans, designed and handcrafted in Leipzig, Germany, with full in-house development and production. The unique screw-free rivet structure hinge and lightweight steel material provide an exceptional comfort wearing experience; the meticulously crafted classic frames showcase a jewelry-like minimalist artistic beauty.

KUBORAUM 的設計前曕性強,眼鏡系列超時尚,品牌強調要突顯佩戴者的獨特個性和風格。KUBORAUM 善於利用不一樣的質感、顏色,創造出大膽創新的設計和裝飾,並透過組合不同物料、線條來營造強烈立體感。 KUBORAUM 鏡框上沒有顯眼的品牌標誌,非凡獨特又驚喜的鏡框風格就是品牌的專屬標記。KUBORAUM 所有眼鏡在柏林構思和設計,在意大利手工製造。
KUBORAUM are masks designed on the face of those who wear the masks that highlight personality and emphasize character. The mask is synonymous with mockery, with game. The KUBORAUM masks are synonymous with accentuation, protection and shelter. KUBORAUM are like cubic rooms where we shelter ourselves, where we are free to live in our intimacy, where we live all our identities and look at the world through two lenses. All masks are dreamed in Berlin and handmade in Italy - a brand born in 2012.

The Jaguar eyewear collection combines the latest in spectacle technology with unique design transfers to create modern and sporty prescription frames and sunglasses. Details and materials you would find inside a car, as well as sophisticated colour effects and lens shapes reminiscent of its lines can be found throughout the entire collection and make their glasses both unique and sought-after.
品質 ‧ 創新 ‧ 美感 - 盡在 JAGUAR EYEWEAR
Jaguar 眼鏡系列融合品牌的創新獨到思維與先進的製鏡技術,設計出散發時尚運動風的眼鏡和太陽眼鏡。Jaguar 眼鏡所呈現的精緻細節、高級材料、細膩上色效果與獨特鏡片線條均呼應 Jaguar 豪華跑車的特色,正因如此,Jaguar 的眼鏡系列方會如此與眾不同和受人追捧。

Founded in 1996, ic! berlin makes the finest, hand-made eyewear for people who dare to see the world through their own eyes.
Headquartered in Berlin, Germany, our more than 180 craftsmen, engineers, and technicians design, build, and market our original eyewear designs across 60 countries worldwide. Each and every ic! berlin frame features a patented interlocking, screwless hinge system that we combine with stainless steel, titanium, synthetic, and natural materials to create a robust, lightweight eyewear design. ic! berlin eyewear is designed with passion, produced with technical precision, and hand-crafted with love - all made in Germany.
在德國設計及製造的ic! berlin,於1996年於柏林創立,以首創的「無螺絲三叉式」鏡腳,配以極輕、低敏的「薄紙鋼金屬」鏡架,加上前衛、創新、俐落的設計而屢獲殊榮。ic! berlin的眼鏡被稱為眼鏡界中的精品,開創「無螺絲、無彈簧、無焊接」鏡架的成功典範,吸引了不同界別的人士配戴,當中包括設計界、時尚界及企業人士,是亞洲國家中最暢銷的設計師眼鏡品牌之一。

iO frames are entirely designed and produced in the Veneto region, precisely where the Italian eyewear industry was born. Since today’s globalized world tends to standardize our thoughts and habits, iO’s mission is one and straightforward: it wants people to carve out a niche for their true self, to express their soul (in Italian indeed, io means “I”) without fear of being unconventional. That’s why iO includes several families of glasses and sunglasses, which stand out for their concepts, styles, but most of all for their unconventional designs. Each frame is handcrafted in every detail, and thus ensures high standards of quality.
iO品牌眼鏡在意大利眼鏡行業的搖籃地 - 威尼托地區設計和生產。由於時尚產業全球化,導致市場上流行單一的商品和趨勢,可是iO決意做出市場少見的設計,將藝術注入眼鏡當中,變化出大膽、前衛的外觀,讓眼鏡成為配戴者表現真我個性的最佳時尚配飾。IO設計出各式各樣造型時尚獨特的光學眼鏡和太陽眼鏡,每一個系列都有獨自的設計概念和個性。IO眼鏡以精雕細琢的手工完成,質量卓絕。

Founded in 1999, MUSTbygrafix continues a centuries-long tradition of glasses manufacturing in Germany, a perfect blend of traditional craftsmanship and innovative technology. Extended by the Germany automobile heavy industry to light-weight eyewear using superior laser cutting, resistance welding systems with hydraulic motions and other technology to achieve the highest quality ever for each pair of eyewear – in fit and style.
MUSTbygrafix 創立於1999年,繼承了德國數百年的傳統眼鏡製造工業,將傳統工藝與創新技術完美融合。MUST by Grafix的所有鏡架都選用輕巧耐用的0.8mm薄β-鈦金屬片製成,重量只約有9克,讓戴眼鏡時感覺輕盈舒適。以激光切割,三重打磨及最先進的塗層技術− PVD coating (真空陽極氧化電導)打造鏡框,色彩豐富,多達百多個顏色組合,確保每副眼的質量達致絕對舒適與時尚兼備。

Peter Biller, a famous German designer who has more than 30 years experience of design eyewear and watches. His design over different popular brands, such as MCM, Chronoswiss, Tristano Onofri etc. In 2017, Peter Biller inspired by his German stainless steel watch Insignum, to develop a newly eyewear brand “M+iN”. The main concept of M+iN is “modern design and technology with experienced skill”
M+IN由從事眼鏡設計多達30年的德國著名眼鏡教父Peter Biller主理。以其手錶品牌Insigum作為設計靈感,以手錶鋼帶的精雕概念融入鉸鏈設計當中,配合多種拼花技術打造鏡框,輕鬆打造時尚獨特的風格。

We at Lunor like to focus on our own point of view, a change of view, the big picture, transparency in our conduct, life in all its aspects, the healthy mix. But we also believe in understatement. That’s why we’ll keep it brief.
Our vision, as a manufacturer of glasses, is to make an uncompromising impact with quality, masterful craftsmanship, and consistent workmanship. Lunette d’Or was where it all started, and where we got our name: Lunor. And hand-crafted gold will remain part of all our pieces in future, too.
Lunor 希望專注於以生活為出發點的復古風格,提供不受時間推移影響的優雅作品。我們相信生活的輕描淡寫,這就是為什麼我們的產品以簡約的感覺呈現。
作為眼鏡製造商,我們的願景是通過質量和始終如一的精湛工藝帶給您們生活的體驗,永不妥協 Lunette d'Or 就是這一切的起點,也是我們名字的由來:Lunor。

從生產到產品,MARKUS T 都散發出道地、真實、獨特的氛圍。簡約的設計,強調穿戴者的個性,而非改變他們的外貌。MARKUS T 使用的材料包括功能性和獨特的TMi合成材料和鈦金屬。TMi 是一種專為 MARKUS T 研發和專利的合成材料,集合了看似矛盾的兩種性質。它堅韌、不易變形,同時極輕盈。
Authentic, genuine, unique – manufacture and product alike: MARKUS T design and produce light and durable glasses, their pure design underlining the look of the wearer without turning them into someone else. MARKUS T works with functional and exclusive materials: TMi and titanium. TMi is a synthetic developed and patented just for MARKUS T that unites two seemingly contradictory properties. It is tough, retains its shape and at the same time is extremely light.

Kame Mannen 萬年龜是一個有超過100年歷史的日本手造眼鏡品牌,其精製鈦金屬鏡架的品質一直以來深受大眾喜愛。在近年來,Kame Mannen 萬年龜更是在日本本土及海外取得相當大的人氣。
Kame Mannen 眼鏡品牌名稱中,「Kame」意指龜,「ManNen」意指萬年,品牌名稱取自日本俗語的「鶴千年,龜萬年」。此俗語寄喻眼鏡職人所生產製作的眼鏡,可如同龜一般活上萬年,讓一副眼鏡擁有一生的壽命,而耐用也是手造眼鏡的核心價值。
Kame Mannen 萬年龜運用簡潔的線條設計出只屬於品牌的獨特眼鏡。在百年歷史中,品牌只推出簡潔的純金屬眼鏡框,幾乎全都是細小的圓框款式。儘管世界及潮流興起了不同的鏡框外型,Kame Mannen 萬年龜卻一直堅持著生產具有萬年龜特色的款式。
Kame Mannen, a Japanese handcrafted eyewear brand over 100 years that has been refining titanium frames, has gained considerable popularity in recent years. The name of the Kame ManNen eyewear brand comes from the Japanese saying "Crane for a thousand years, turtle for ten thousand years," with "Kame" meaning turtle and "ManNen" meaning ten thousand years. This name symbolizes the eyewear crafted by skilled artisans as capable of lasting for millennia, like a turtle. Durability is the core value of handcrafted eyewear.
Kame ManNen designs unique eyewear with simple lines, only producing clean metal frames that are exclusive to the brand. Almost all of their styles feature small round frames, despite the ever-changing trends in eyewear design around the world. The brand has persisted in producing styles with the unique characteristics of the "ten thousand year turtle" for the past hundred years, and every tiny component of Kame ManNen eyewear is produced in-house. This unwavering commitment is truly remarkable, and the brand exudes a classic, century-old charm.

MOREL 是一家法國獨立眼鏡製造商,由 Jules Morel 於 1880 年在法國眼鏡之都汝拉地區創立。作為一家家族企業,該品牌目前由 Morel 家族的第四代傳人領導,致力於運用他們的專業知識,創造更多標誌性眼鏡,並分銷至全球各地。
這個經過四代傳承的品牌秉持百年創業理念,就是要對創新、創作自由和傳統工藝抱有常存的熱情,品牌也承載了代代掌舵人對眼鏡難以言喻的熱愛,如今他們將這份熱誠傾注在眼鏡的創作之上,打造出眾多風格多元,由日常基礎至強烈風格俱全的款式。MOREL 如今躋身全球最受歡迎的法國眼鏡製造商之列,其業務遍及全球 90 多個國家。
MOREL is an independent French eyewear manufacturer founded in 1880 by Jules Morel in the Jura region, the heartland of eyewear in France. As a family-owned business, the brand is currently led by the 4th generation of the Morel family, dedicating their expertise to the creation and global distribution of iconic eyeglasses.
From one generation to the next, their passion for eyewear continues to flourish through collections that feature strong and complementary styles. This is largely achieved by upholding their century-old values: a passion for innovation, creative freedom, and historical craftsmanship. This strong heritage positions the brand today among the favorite French eyewear manufacturers globally, as evidenced by their presence in over 90 countries internationally.

"Jinroku" is a tribute to the name of Masayuki Hasegawa's father, who was a eyewear craftsman in Sabae City. Jinroku is renowned for mastering the handcraft of using celluloid, metal and acetate all at the same time.
After graduating from high school, Masayuki Hasegawa became an eyewear craftsman and has since produced countless frames. He established the brand "Echizen Jinroku Saké" and, in collaboration with designer Seishi Mitani, combined "innovative design" and "traditional techniques" to create a diverse range of frames in different styles and types, making the products of Echizen Jinroku Saké popular among handmade eyewear enthusiasts.
One of its highlights is the use of cellulose acetate to make glasses. After being hand-polished, cellulose acetate exhibits a charming color and gloss similar to that of a tortoise shell. This material requires a long drying time, and only a few brands still choose to use it today.

MASAHIROMARUYAMA 的設計是源於對藝術的深刻理解與探索,致力於通過“未完成的藝術”理念,尋找不完美中的美。創始人丸山正弘以藝術為靈感,打破眼鏡設計的固有框架,讓每一副眼鏡都超越功能的束縛,而佩戴者能從中獲得愉悅感。品牌一直挑戰經典設計的對稱性,在作品中融入不對稱美學,呈現出隨意和自由的風格形象,鼓勵人們超越傳統思維,重新審視美的定義。每一副眼鏡都蘊含著獨特的故事和個性,旨在讓佩戴者在日常生活中感受到藝術的魅力。
Unfinished Art. Shapes created through questioning perfection
Art is a huge source of inspiration for Masahiro Maruyama. He has been making design proposals that provide enjoyment to you with the frames themselves not just for daily use or as a fashion statement. The concept is “unfinished art ––finding beauty in the incomplete through questioning perfection”. Whereas classical frame designs are symmetrical and beautifully completed, Masahiro’s “unfinished” asymmetric frames impress us with the element of surprise as well as innovation by intentionally creating casual and freestyle images of designs, thinking outside the box.

Miga Studio, a luxury eyewear brand focuses on creating highly handcrafted and exclusive eyewear collections, designed in Italy and manufactured in Italy and Japan. Designed by two visionary, creative minds, with extensive knowledge and expertise in the eyewear industry, the collection’s main purpose lies in the creation of a unique product range, recognizable by the advanced technology used for every detail, protecting the brand from any imitation.

VANNI eyeglasses were born in Turin in 1990, made to see the world. They are equally at home in Milan, Paris, New York, Hong Kong, and Sydney. VANNI is at the forefront of the industry of creative eyewear design. Its beauty is a mix of genius, culture, and style, and never accidental: it’s a distillation of thirty years of research and experimentation. The VANNI touch is present in every tiny detail: the acetates are conceived and personalised like works of art, the metal glasses utilise technically advanced processing in new surprising ways. When it comes to colour, daring, mixing, and creating unique pairings has always been our challenge. For a choice without compromises the VANNI glasses are entirely Made in Italy, with no bluffs: Made in Italy, for sure.

MODO Eyewear 自 1990 年成立以來,一直都是獨立眼鏡行業中的楷模,在紐約、米蘭和斯德哥爾摩設有分公司,是一個國際性的眼鏡企業。成立 33 年以來,MODO秉持對細節和質量的追求,自家品牌 Modo 及 Eco 的銷售點覆蓋全球80多個國家。
MODO Eyewear 相信企業行善的影響力,持續履行企業社會責任,推出 MODO Buy a Frame Help a Child See 和 ECO One Frame One Tree計劃,前者幫助兒童重見光明,後者為環境增添綠色力量。
Modo 是永恆的設計、極致的輕盈和持久的品質的代名詞。眼鏡系列始終透過對材料的不斷研究來突破創新的界限,以實現精緻美學和功能之間的完美平衡。
Since 1990 MODO Eyewear is a reference in the independent eyewear industry, with offices in New York, Milan and Stockholm. Despite keeping a boutique company approach the group boasts an international distribution in over 80 countries worldwide with its house brands: Modo & Eco.
MODO Eyewear believes in the power of being a company for good, making Purpose a core part of its Mission, with its initiatives MODO Buy a Frame Help a Child See & ECO One Frame One Tree.
Modo is timeless design, extreme lightness and lasting quality. Modo collections always push the boundaries of innovation through continuous research into materials for a perfect balance between refined aesthetics and functionality.

ZEROUNDICI has been launched back in 2016 by two entrepreneur brothers who share passion for design and fashion and a deep bond with the city from which everything is born: Turin. “What about creating our own brand? A young sunglasses and eyeglasses brand capable to convey the post-industrial roots of the city and its urban geometric looks and underground spaces”. Zeroundici’s tribute to a glorious past and a thriving future in the application of technique and know-how is the hexagonal bolt, a distinctive element for the brand standing also for the strong and indissoluble bond with own roots.
ZEROUNDICI是2016年創立的眼鏡品牌,設計師將對意大利古城 - 都靈市的印象都投射在這個品牌的眼鏡設計之上,試圖將都靈的不同面貌,例如工業風文化、沉鬱靜謐的藝術氣息、市內林立的古典及巴洛克式建築等等,都一一轉化成設計靈感,於是呈現出一系列線條硬朗幹練、氣勢宏大,而且充滿空間感和立體感的另類時尚鏡作。

每一副 TAVAT 鏡框都是由最優秀的眼鏡工匠在義大利東北部製作的,這裡擁有悠久的歷史和傳統,也被視為「眼鏡的發源地」。Soupcan 系列是這個品牌最引人注目的系列之一,它融合了多種經典元素和現代設計風格,成為了一種真正獨特的風格。每一副 Soupcan 鏡框都是由工匠手工製作而成,擁有細膩的細節和質感。
Each TAVAT frame is produced in small batches by some of the best eyewear artisans in the Northeast of Italy, an area famous for eyewear manufacturing. An area steeped in history and tradition, also considered as the “birthplace of eyewear”. The Soupcan series is one of the most innovative products from this brand, blending classic elements with modern design to create a truly unique style. Each Soupcan frame is handcrafted by artisans, featuring intricate details and a luxurious feel.

Mad in Italy 是一個獨立的意大利設計品牌,成立已有十多年的歷史,但最近進行了全面的改革,包括全新團隊、新logo以及更具現代風格的品牌形象,但一如既往地在意大利製造,注重品質、輕巧和色彩。憑藉其豐富經驗,Mad in Italy在眼鏡行業有著穩固的地位,並且不斷發展。
Mad in Italy 的瘋狂調性激發出源源不絕的創造力,這也是意大利基因中的一部分。在我們的鏡框中,色彩、技術和材料以創意的方式融合在一起。「瘋狂」個性是品牌的核心精神,但從不過分張揚。
Mad in Italy is an independent Italian design brand, that has been around for over a decade, but has recently been completely restyled. New team, new logo and more modern brand identity but as always manufactured in Italy with particular focus on quality, lightness and color. Thanks to its long experience, they are a point of reference in the industry, maintaining its position over time and constantly evolving.
Mad in Italy’s madness stimulates creativity, present in Italy’s DNA. In our frames color, technology and materials are merged in a creative way. Madness is a key distinguishing factor without ever being extravagant.

SPECTAFUL 是一個結構化的知識和經驗網絡,致力於通過具體和可衡量的創新方式來進行設計。我們對工作充滿熱情,相信憑著智慧可以實現任何工程目標。我們設計、製造和分銷 SPECTAFUL 眼鏡。所有的製造過程均在意大利卡多雷地區完成,除了日本鈦,均選用來自意大利的材料。SPECTAFUL 系列結合金屬和首次應用於眼鏡領域的耐用高科技聚合物。
We focus on technological innovation to design new mechanisms for visual comfort.
Materials fascinate us: we research, study and test them.
We experiment with new processes to achieve new technical solutions that offer a constantly innovative product. We plan, design and make our products in Italy, using materials of Italian origin.
SPECTAFUL is a structured network of knowledge and experience that works to solve problems by bringing concrete and measurable innovation. We have a great passion for our work, we believe in cleverness and in the possibility of reaching any engineering goal.
We design, manufacture and distribute SPECTAFUL eyewear. All the manufacturing processes are carried out in Italy, in the Cadore district, using Italian materials with the
exception of Japanese titanium. The Spectaful models combine metal with durable Technopolymer, USED FOR THE FIRST TIME IN THE FIELD OF EYEWEAR.

For fans of the style principle of reduction, Götti glasses embody authenticity in everyday life. With harmonious proportions and the sophistication of modern technology, full effect is given by both timeless design and clever functionality. The collections cultivate simplicity in its most beautiful form, allowing the wearer to express their individual character. Precise manufacturing and carefully selected details result in the ideal fit.
Götti glasses combine the highest level of refined design, traditional craftsmanship, and technical innovation. An unmistakable expression of confident style, quality, and Swissness.
The company started in 1993, the focus has been on innovation, quality, and durability right from the start. All models have been designed under the leadership of Sven Götti for over 25 years. Expert Swiss craftsmanship, and a keen eye for quality and precision create sustainable, premium eyewear. Götti Switzerland now employs approximately 35 people and supplies selected specialist retailers in more than 40 countries.

Every single LINDBERG frame is designed by and carefully handcrafted by LINDBERG in-house specialists to ensure the exceptional quality of Danish design. LINDBERG follows a minimalist approach to style and functionality, stripping out all non-essential components, such as screws, rivets and welded parts. The result is ultra-lightweight eyewear that keeps revolutionising the eyewear industry with award-winning designs and innovative technologies. LINDBERG designs have changed the fundamentals of modern eyewear and have set entirely new standards for style, comfort and durability.
The LINDBERG modular system allows users to customise every element of their frame to suit their own style and needs. Every single LINDBERG frame is tailormade to order, individually crafted and hand-finished by highly skilled in-house eyewear specialists. The customisation approach offers frames in many different colours, textures, shapes and styles made with unique materials and technologies, which are constantly updated. Every component is made using responsibly sourced and exceptionally long-lasting materials, including titanium, gold, platinum, buffalo horn and diamonds.
The LINDBERG philosophy is deeply rooted in the history of Danish design, where notable designers like Arne Jacobsen, HJ Wegner and Jørgen Utzon had mutual ideologies: a respect for timeless design and materials – and a need for innovation. This is also the ideology that drives LINDBERG forward.
The values of LINDBERG were formed by the founders optometrist Poul-Jørn Lindberg and his son architect Henrik Lindberg in Aarhus, Denmark. Today the family-run business still carries on the with the core philosophy of “Design by – made by”.

It’s in our DNA. To break new ground, use new technologies & materials. We are maker of innovative eyewear.
Bringing the wearer ultimate comfort is top of our agenda. We make ultra thin frames. Lightweight. No screws. Easy to adjust. Happy customers.
The simplest ideas are often the hardest to get. The solution which makes you think: why didn’t I think about that? Such an idea is a result of eliminating all unnecessary elements. That’s what we strive for. Every day.
Working out of the Danstruplund Estate in the midst of beautiful nature North of Copenhagen, we escape the clutter and chaos often associated with modern lifestyle. Here we free our minds and get back to our roots. Our Danish design heritage.
在丹麥北部美麗的大自然中,我們於丹斯特魯普隆德莊園(Danstruplund Estate)工作,擺脫了現代生活方式經常帶來的混雜繁瑣。在這裡,我們解放思想,回到根源,設計出最純粹而創新的眼鏡。

西班牙眼鏡品牌 lool eyewear 的鏡框設計是建築和幾何結合的美學藝術。每個框架設計表現出經典的優雅、創新專利技術和完美無瑕的工藝。最具代表性的鏡框設計除了強烈建築結構線條外,品牌堅持以最少的線條去維持適當的框架支撐力。全部眼鏡均在巴塞隆納設計和生產。
lool eyewear tells the beauty of architecture and geometry. Every frame is a statement about classic elegance, patented technical innovation and impeccable craftsmanship. Iconic with structural lines and insists on minimum wires to maintain proper tension. All frames are designed and handcrafted in Barcelona.

源自荷蘭的創新設計。Hayden Perlie為每副眼鏡注入個性化細節和特質,讓佩戴者得以展現與眾不同的個性,儘管他們可能並不追求聚光燈下的注目。每一副鏡框均在意大利手工製作,確保絕佳的品質在眼鏡每一個微小細節上得見。Hayden Perlie與世界上一些擁有最精湛技術的工匠合作,他們秉持Hayden Perlie的製造標準和獨特的設計語言。
Innovation designed in the Netherlands. Hayden Perlie designs every pair of eyewear with character, allowing the unique personality of the wearer to shine, while they may not seek the spotlight. Every frame is hand-made in italy, to ensure quality down to every detail. We are partners with some of the world’s most highly regarded artisans, who uphold hayden perlie’s manufacturing standards and specialty design language.
Mainland China
The brand LIPO was founded in 2004. Product research and development is personally led by the founder Mr. Li Zhaojiao, who has more than 20 years of experience in eyewear design and production, a superb medical background, and a father of three. With the brand concept of “Focus on Next Generation” and inspired by the “Mortise and Tenon Structure” of ancient Chinese carpenters’ wisdom. The products integrated ergonomic optometry, balance mechanics, eyewear engineering and aesthetic experience. Committed to building a professional and warm international eyewear brand. At present, the brand LIPO has been registered as a trademark in dozens of countries abroad. Its unique products are now well-known internationally and are exported to international markets such as Europe, the United States, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia

Mainland China

Mainland China
Aritaum 自 2015 年創立以來,始終以輕盈、色彩鮮明為設計核心,致力於打造高品質、時尚獨特的潮流鏡架。Aritaum 通過獨特的色彩設計,讓每一款產品都煥發出獨特的魅力。色彩上既有明亮的、充滿活力的螢光色系,也有低調優雅的莫蘭迪色系,每一種色彩都經過精心挑選和搭配,使鏡架在滿足舒適佩戴的同時,更具有時尚感。品牌的漸變鈦系列,以純鈦為骨架,以色彩為靈魂,為配戴者打造獨一無二的視覺盛宴。
Since its establishment in 2015, Aritaum has always focused on lightness and vibrant colors as its design core, striving to create high-quality and uniquely fashionable eyewear. Through unique color designs, Aritaum infuses each product with distinctive charm. The colors range from bright and vibrant fluorescent hues to understated and elegant mauve shades. Every color is carefully selected and coordinated, ensuring that the frames not only provide comfortable wear but also exude a sense of fashion. The brand's gradient titanium series, built with pure titanium frames and infused with color as its soul, creates a unique visual feast for the wearers.

Lunetterie Générale 由設計師 Julien Couture 於 2018 年在蒙特利爾創立。品牌致力打造可佩戴的藝術傑作,向具有標誌性的事物致敬。品牌從生活的美與豐富內涵中汲取靈感,以無與倫比的工藝和獨特美學致敬永恆經典。每一副鏡架均在日本手工製作,選用板材和 β 鈦等優質材料,展現卓越工藝。Lunetterie Générale鏡架堪稱經典風格與優雅氣質的典範,為文化愛好者們提供精美的配飾選擇,能夠顯著提升佩戴者的品味。
Founded in 2018 by designer Julien Couture, Montreal-based Atelier Lunetterie Générale creates wearable works of art that pay homage to iconic symbols. Drawing inspiration from the beauty and richness that life has to offer, we celebrate timeless classics through our unparalleled craftsmanship and distinct aesthetic. Each frame is handcrafted in Japan with unmatched mastery and fashioned from premium materials like cellulose acetate and beta titanium. Engineered to the highest contemporary standards, these glasses are designed to be a lifelong companion. Lunetterie Générale frames are the epitome of classic style and elegance, providing culture vultures with a timeless accessory that will elevate any wardrobe.

ARKADIUS 是英語和土耳其語的合成詞,旨在向全世界廣泛傳播時尚眼鏡,以輕松、舒適的佩戴感和簡約的設計為主題,讓人們可以打造如流水般舒適的眼鏡。
ARKADIUS is a compound of English and Turkish, and aims at widely informing fashion eyewear to the world which lets people engrave comfortable spectacles that are comfortable like flowing water by setting a theme having light, relaxed wearing sensation to simple designs.

United States
MOSCOT 是美國元祖級的家族式眼鏡老牌,代代相傳,現時由第4代首席執行官 Dr. Harvey Moscot 與第 5 代首席設計師 Zack Moscot 接手,在保留品牌傳統與經典氣息的同時,積極為品牌創造全新未來。在幾代人的努力與堅持下,品牌將手工製鏡的技藝不斷磨練,在風格上透露濃濃的美式風情,復古與現代融合,交織出精彩的原創眼鏡設計。
MOSCOT, a brand that has been passed down through five generations, embodys the cohesive force of a family and the tradition of eyewear craftsmanship. Currently led by the fourth-generation CEO, Dr. Harvey Moscot, and the fifth-generation Chief Designer, Zack Moscot, the brand continues to uphold its traditional values while actively creating a new future. Through the dedication and perseverance of several generations, the brand has continuously honed the craftsmanship of handmade eyewear. Its style exudes a strong American aesthetic, blending vintage and modern elements to create captivating original eyewear designs.

United States
Solos 正在以人為本的方式開發世界上最先進的智能眼鏡技術。Solos 誕生於 Kopin Corporation (納斯達克股票代碼:KOPN),與麻省理工學院的工程師們合作,將行業領先的可穿戴電子產品與傳統眼鏡的舒適和時尚相結合。憑藉 100 多項專利和專利申請的知識產權組合,4 次獲得 CES 創新獎的 AirGo 技術正在改變我們與世界的互動方式。欲了解更多信息,請遊覽我們網站 www.solosglasses.com。
Solos is developing the world's most advanced smart glasses technology with a human-first approach. Born out of Kopin Corporation (NASDAQ: KOPN) with MIT engineers, Solos combines industry leading wearable electronics with the comfort and style of traditional eyewear. With an IP portfolio of over 100 patents and patent applications, the 4x CES Innovation award-winning AirGo technology is changing how we interact with the world. For more information, please visit our website www.solosglasses.com .

United States
美國品牌 BARTON PERREIRA 是2007 年由前 Oliver Peoples 總裁 Bill Barton 及設計總監 Patty Perreira 創立,而 Patty Perreira更曾於 PRADA, Jil Sander, PAUL SMITH 中擔任設計顧問,設計功架十足。Barton Perreira 眼鏡在設計上結合了歐美時尚設計觸覺及復古解構風格,在制作上則是交由有著名眼鏡之都的日本福井縣眼鏡工房職人以精細手功工藝製作,部分眼鏡型號專為亞洲人打造,更適合亞洲人的面型,亦將它迅速打進亞洲市場,並成為了許多名人與好萊塢明星們青睞的眼鏡品牌。
Barton Perreira is a luxury eyewear brand founded in Los Angeles by eyewear industry icons Bill Barton and Patty Perreira. It is known for its non-compromising designs, precise craftsmanship, and casual luxury approach, and is made using high-end materials and innovative techniques. The brand uses pure Japanese titanium and plant-based acetates in its eyewear, and every piece is handmade in limited batches at workshops in Japan. The premium eyewear was adored around the world and worn by fans including Hollywood stars and popular celebrities.

United States
The DITA-Lancier collection is a celebration of the unrivaled athletes who push the limits of speed and endurance in the most technologically advanced and competitively compelling arenas in sport. Utilizing advanced lens technology designed for everyday use in the Land, Sea, and Air environments, the DITA-Lancier Polyurethane lens is a much superior lens in all aspects of clarity, weight, refractive Index, scratch resistance and impact resistance.
Contrasts red, green and yellows. Features custom polarization efficiency that does not interfere with the clarity of LCD screen.
Contrasts reds and skin tones from blue backgrounds of the ocean and sky. Maximum polarization to reduce the glare of the ocean and water environments.
Contrast reds from the blue and green backgrounds from skylines. No polarization for maximum contrast and depth perception in all light conditions.
DITA-Lancier系列的設計靈感來自於致力突破速度和耐力極限的運動員之獨特風格,其利用先進鏡片技術,打造出一系列針對海、陸、空環境下日常使用的眼鏡。DITA Lancier鏡片結合了聚碳酸酯的輕巧及耐衝擊性,和近乎玻璃般的清晰度與耐刮性,其又因應海、陸、空不同環境,而設有專門之色彩來增強視覺效果、大幅減低眩光,從而達至最大的視覺精準度。

United States
Founded in 1995, DITA reinvented eyewear by transcending its conventions, creating a discreet luxury with “CATEGORY OF ONE” products ranging from bold character frames to inventive reinterpretations of timeless shapes through innovative technology.
With over 20 years in design and partners at the highest levels of manufacturing, DITA’s expertise is exceptional, earning a coveted reputation as a leader in luxury optical innovation.
DITA has the unique pleasure of serving some of the world’s most discerning clientele, challenging the old guard, and forging lasting relationships within culture, style, sport, and entertainment; affirming the brand’s position as individual as the products it creates.
自 1995 年成立以來,DITA 超越陳規、創造精緻奢華的產品系列,其系列從風格大膽的鏡架,到藉由創新技術重新詮釋的經典框型均「別樹一格」,重新為眼鏡賦予新定義。DITA 擁有 20 多年的設計經驗,期間與最高水平的生產夥伴合作深耕,專業程度無可比擬,贏得了奢侈光學創新領導者的垂涎聲譽。

United States
OVVO Optics is one of the most innovative and technologically advanced brands in the eyewear market today. Family-owned and operated, the company produces entirely in Europe, with a factory that has been making frames for more than 30 years.
Each OVVO frame is constructed from the highest grade materials and patented technologies and undergo 85 steps of meticulous craftsmanship with great precision and attention to details. OVVO’s core material is a fusion of military-grade surgical steel with titanium, originally developed by European metallurgical engineers for spacecraft and military projects. This hypoallergenic composite offers remarkable strength, lightness, flex memory, and heat resistance.
Weighing barely 0.6 ounces, OVVO eyewear offers unparalleled comfort and unfailing durability.
OVVO Optics為家族持有經營,是目前市場上最具創新力的尖端性能眼鏡品牌之一,旗下產品皆於歐洲生產製造,其鏡框工廠更有超過30年的生產經驗。
不到0.6盎司的鏡框重量 — OVVO帶來的是無與倫比的舒適及耐用體驗。

PLASTA 是一個高品質的眼鏡品牌,它致力於通過簡約優雅和功能實用的設計理念,創作出視覺上優美流暢的線條,同時詮釋每個客戶獨一無二的個性。品牌的目標是提供優質的設計強調個性化風格,讓客戶能夠透過眼鏡展現其獨特身份、體驗真實的自我、頌揚個性與內在的多樣性。
PLASTA is a high-quality eyewear brand that creates visually appealing lines by embracing the values of restrained elegance and functionality, all while capturing the diverse individuality of our customers. Our goal is to provide the finest eyewear that allows customers to express their unique identities and experience a special moment where they discover and embrace their true selves, celebrating individuality and inner diversity.
Polyetherimide (PEI), an outstanding engineering plastic, forms the core of our glasses. Through extensive research and development in original design and injection technology, we manufacture slim, flexible products that deliver lightweight and comfortable glasses to our consumers

We are a house brand that produces eyewear that is good for men and women of all ages to wear. In order to produce glasses that are easy for anyone to wear, We do storytelling to consider the gender, age, fashion, etc of each model.
We’re looking for a design that can give an impact to my loose daily life In order to give impressive identity to people's first impressions, we offer a variety of everyday experiences by adding sensibility to the frame under the motto of "Classic with a Twist."

AZABU is a town known for its vast Samurai residences and merchant quarters, representing a fusion of cultures. The Edo Shogunate (1603-1868) was the longest period of Samurai governance in Japanese history and was a peaceful era. This stability allowed Japan to develop a unique culture and traditions, which strongly reflected the lifestyles of the successful citizens rather than the conventional Samurai or aristocrats. Our design practice is deeply informed by traditional handicrafts. We embrace the unique creativity of Edo artisans; their worldview is reproduced in our collection, crafted by the skilled artisans of Sabae.
麻布 (Azabu)昔日是一個以其廣闊的武士宅邸和商業區而聞名的區域,象徵著文化的融合。 江戶幕府(1603-1868)是日本歷史上武士統治時間最長的時期,是個和平的時代。穩定安逸的社會讓日本發展出獨特的文化和傳統,人民過著多元豐富的生活,而不是傳統的武士或貴族的生活方式。我們的設計理念深受傳統手工藝的影響。我們擁抱江戶匠人的獨特創造力,他們的世界觀在我們的系列中得以重現,由鯖江技藝精湛的匠人精心打造出每副眼鏡作品。

Motvium, which means “Motive” in Latin, and also the core value of the brand. Every frames of Motivum are made by experienced eyewear designer with traditional technology. The frames under different series are composed of remarkably thin front and ultra-lightweight titanium template, which is also representing the characteristic of the brand – minimalistic and simplicity.

This is a eyewear brand with its simplicity and cleanness that has attracted fashionable people. It is a metal design brand that features high-quality of glasses with the classic symbols such as water waves and flowers. NINE ACCORD continuously challenges to produce brand-new eyewear. This artisan skill has been descended from father to son for 30 years. It has consistently produced retro style eyewear for the period. It is a metal eyewear brand that still has embers that can revive the glasses boom of 1980s and 1990s in Korea.
The design motto of NINE ACCORD is: “Let’s make a modern design of retro glasses and light glasses that appeals to everyone!”. The harmony of retro designs with modern one is as difficult as the coexistence of purity and maturity. But NINE ACCORD has made the impossible possible up to now.
The sense of youth, the strenuous challenge and the spirit of innovative change of NINE ACCORD that dream of advancing to world market are always fresh news to fashionable people.

Accrue is meta-communication striving for perfection, with prudence to show the best of you. Accrue shows ourselves as we live uniquely in the present, with contemporary sensibilities instead of following the trend. Accrue is the most chic of eyewear designs, seeking inspiration through the reinterpretation of modern literature, movies, fashion, & art. Just like the subtitle of Accrue ‘Wear Inspired’, we expand variety of different topics on every season for customers to wear Accrue and be inspired constantly with visuals they perceive in their life.
Gathered with people from various fields such as independent curator, space designer, perfumer, eyewear designer, is presenting Accrue Eyewear starting from 2017. Accrue reinterprets motifs inspired by the romantic code such as fine arts, literature, film, fashion, design and pop art to create a familiar, but new stylish eyewear in Accrue’s unique sense.

Lafont 開創了一段 100 年的家族歷史以及從巴黎精品店到世界知名品牌的獨特軌跡。Lafont 的故事始於 1923 年 Louis Lafont 在巴黎開設精品眼鏡店。Laurence Lafont 和 Philippe Lafont 在 80 年代推出了讓品牌攀上高峰的經典型號 GENIE。如今,第四代傳人 Thomas 和 Matthieu 帶領此富有獨特性的品牌向前邁進。
Lafont 眼鏡充滿浪漫的巴黎風格和繽紛的色彩,鮮明出眾的顏色和圖案與不同風格的輪廓碰撞,形成獨特而優雅的設計。品牌巧妙地將傳統與時尚相結合,靈活運用手工工藝與當代製鏡技術,彰顯深厚的眼鏡專業知識與法國製造的優良品質。
100 years of family saga. A unique trajectory from Paris to a world-renowned House. Louis Lafont in 1923, opened his optical store at 11 rue Vignon, Paris. A decisive turn is taken in the 80s. Laurence and Philippe Lafont launch their iconic “Génie” frames. Today, Thomas and Matthieu Lafont are at the helm of the company, whose independence remains a true state of mind.
Color as a signature and authenticity. Lafont is all about colorful Parisian style. Signature colors and patterns combine with seasonal hues to create unique and exclusive frames. The unique combination of craftsmanship and high technology is also fundamental to Lafont. Our “Origine France Garantie” label reflects the authenticity of our eyewear expertise and French manufacturing. A single passion guides our collections: that of a beautiful product made with care and attention to detail.

Irresistibly inspired by the major fashion trends of the moment, JOOLY® offers you eyeglasses and sunglasses designed with love and passion. A touch of character, trendy or casual shapes, current colors, exclusive patterns ... madly, passionately!
A choice of acetates in powder shades, highlighting metals with contemporary colours and elegant shapes, and skilful concealment of the frame's technical elements for a more delicate look...
The company's know-how and exacting quality standards are perfectly complemented by Aurelia’as (our designer) deliberately feminine approach and fashion-oriented, contemporary style.
The concept? Surprising and innovative: a trend (in clothing, accessories or home decor) = a pair of glasses.

Oxibis® 的故事源於兩位來自法國汝拉高地(Haut-Jura)的本土創業者,他們對眼鏡充滿熱情,決心打破眼鏡行業的傳統,以獨特的風格和強烈的色彩衝擊市場。汝拉是歷史悠久的眼鏡產業重鎮,而在這三十年來,Oxibis® 一直都是該地區中始終保有年輕魄力的眼鏡企業,憑藉其大膽創新的精神和深厚的製鏡知識,迅速成長為法國最大的眼鏡製造商之一。
Oxibis® 的核心理念在於大膽的創意、精湛的技術、和諧的色彩搭配以及高品質的產品,特別專注於平衡與和諧的色彩搭配。
The color looks so good on you!
Oxibis® is the story of two Haut-Jura natives: entrepreneurs at heart and passionate about eyewear, they decided to shake up the conventions of the eyewear industry by offering an explosion of colours with unique style.
For 30 years, the brand has been the youngest sibling of the historical Haut-Jura firms. But its boldness, expertise and professionalism quickly turned it into one of the biggest French eyewear manufacturers!
A touch of audacity, a dash of technicality, a harmonious blend of colours and top-quality products: the Oxibis® formula is a winning one!
We specialise in balanced and harmonious use of colours. And if we say so ourselves, we do it really well!

J.F. REY 法國鬼才設計師 Jean-Francois Rey ,1995年創立自家品牌「 J.F REY 」,到如今已榮獲多項國際設計大獎,他不拘泥於傳統鏡架材質的束縛,運用多重元素,以科技為發展基礎,挑戰令人嘆為觀止的眼鏡設計。J.F. REY 擅長採用極多元化的物料與色彩設計,設計保留物料的特色外,更以不同的物料組合出新穎的時尚感。
J.F. REY is a French visionary designer named Jean-Francois Rey who creates limited edition, handmade, and globally renowned fashionable eyewear. He founded his own brand "J.F REY" in 1995, and has since won numerous international design awards. He is not bound by traditional frame materials, instead utilizing multiple elements and technology as the foundation for developing breathtaking eyewear designs. J.F. REY excels at utilizing a diverse range of materials and colors in their designs. Their designs retain the characteristics of these materials while combining them in novel ways to create a unique sense of fashion.

Plein Les Mirettes : The French eyewear design company, based on modernity and creativity without compromise.
Each frame is the product of high quality fabrication, handmade by skilled craftsmen using advanced techniques. The work is done by craftsmen with centuries-old tradition of frame making.
Unconventional, PLM offers colorful and powerful handmade designer frames. With details playing with reflection, Plein Les Mirettes break the codes.
Through a meticulous process, Christophe Morcamp( Founder and Designer ) designs his collection to sublime the women faces using the uniqueness of the woman facial structure.
To reflect individual woman’s character and personality, the frame color combination is here to transcend their age, skin color, hair color, and make-up palette.
Plein Les Mirettes could be your Sunglasses if you need it … You just have to ask for it . We only use Gradient ZEISS sunlens with / AR Inside.

BCPC was launched in 1998, stands for Boston Club Pleasure Collection. Two female designers who love fashion, sports, art, and being unique do the design to suggest glasses as one of fashion items not just as a lame visual correcting tool that may mess up the outfit which all the ladies want to avoid. Being inspired by what they feel fun and think interesting in daily life, they design with a hope that BCPC frames could spice up the fashion, bright up and comfort everyday life of the owners with a wide range of frame styles and colors just like finding a little pleasure in life. They carefully choose color, not too vivid and not too dark but lively, that matches with most of skin tones. In October 2010, BCPC launched a new line, Style, with more simple design and natural colors, perfectly goes well with casual and relaxed style using celluloid material to give thinner line and surface to be different from regular line. In addition, nose pad is also designed originally by them that doesn’t touch eyelash. Lots of love and consideration are put into designs to offer the best and comfortable eyewear.

日本品牌 EYE s CLOUD 在日本和海外都受到各個年齡層和性別的配戴者喜愛。眼鏡輕盈如雲朵、舒適地貼合用家的臉型、堅固耐用、安全可靠,符合日本標準的高品質水平。EYE s CLOUD 眼鏡的輕盈舒適會讓您忘記自己正在戴著眼鏡。
EYE s CLOUD is a Japanese brand that has long been loved by people of all generations and genders, not only in Japan but also overseas. The overwhelming lightness like a cloud, comfortable fitting, strong durability, and safe and reliable of high quality of Japanese standard. So light and comfort that you may forget that you are wearing EYE s CLOUD.

Situated in the heart of Tokyo, one of the leading fashion hubs of the world, Nowhere Co., Ltd. strives to introduce Japanese street fashion culture to the world. Since the brand’s establishment in 1993, it has remained as a symbol of street fashion for more than 25 years. Thus far, it has produced iconic design items, original patterns and characters such as “APE HEAD”, “BAPE® CAMO”, “BAPE STA™”, “SHARK HOODIE” and “BABY MILO®” etc. It has now expanded into eyewear line and is carried throughout stores in Japan and also sold in US, UK, France, HK, China, Taiwan and various Asian countries.
無人不知的日本潮流品牌「 *A Bathing Ape® 」,將萬年不敗的「 BAPE® CAMO 」、「 APE HEAD 」作為設計標誌,從 1993 年創立至今,不僅是許多明星藝人穿戴的經典品牌,更與許多國際知名運動品牌創作聯名商品,受到許多粉絲推崇,逐步締造屬於它的潮流神話! A Bathing Ape 品牌在日本、香港、台灣、中國皆擁有廣大迴響,成為潮流人士的必備衣著。自 2014年 A Bathing Ape 正式推出「 眼鏡系列 」,延續「 BAPE® CAMO 」、「 APE HEAD 」的眼鏡設計,創造生動吸睛的時尚風格!

The name of our brand, 999.9 (Four Nines) is originated from the quality indication of pure gold. The word 999.9 engraved on the ingot of pure gold has the meaning of supreme purity in its quality.
Identically, we Four Nines at all time pursue at a supreme purity in its quality through continual efforts and attempts, aiming for a 1000. Therefore, we Four Nines will continuously progress for a new possibility and will attempt to provide eyeglasses frames at the highest level of quality.
999.9,讀作「Four Nines」的日本眼鏡品牌,名字靈感來自於黃金的純度,於1995年由四位有著豐富眼鏡業背景的專業製鏡師在東京創立。999.9留下那0.1的進步空間則代表品牌對完美的眼鏡永遠有所追求,而這也和日本人對完美近乎苛求的民族性不謀而合。每一次的設計都希望找出那0.1的微小不完美努力追求,才能成就日本人公認「第一眼鏡品牌」的極致工藝。

Every single pair of glasses from this singular brand are carefully manufactured in Japan using the finest construction materials available. Steady eyewear is characterised by an intelligent minimalism that is masterfully executed. The highly complicated and exclusive manufacturing processes that involved in making these glasses results in a classic line of lightweight, highly durable eyewear. One key aspect of Steady’s design is the unisex nature of all of their designs. The unisex element is part of the brand’s ethos and dedication to achieving balance and harmony in all of their designs. As a result, the brand has a charming element of androgyny which seems only to reinforce the timeless aspect which forms an integral part of Steady designs.
Steady 這個創新的日本品牌將優雅的功能提升到一個新的水平。致力於在獨特風格和功能性之間取得完美的平衡,使品牌成為香港的熱門產品。每一副眼鏡都是採用日本最上乘材料,並於日本精心製造。
Steady 眼鏡的特點是巧妙地實現了極簡主義。以高度複雜且專有的製造過程生產輕巧、高度耐用的經典眼鏡系列。 Steady 設計的一個關鍵是男女通用的特性,並致力於在其所有設計中實現平衡與和諧。因此,該品牌具有雌雄同體的迷人元素,也是在鞏固Steady設計中不可或缺的永恆元素。

Yellows plus’s eyewear improves the appearance of wearers and their personality.
It’s easy to adopt to any fashion choice and easy to get that elegant look regardless of frame model.
Its design is borderless and it’s suitable for any age, male or female.
We can find the Japanese fine sense of beauty in it.
Yellows plus frames are produced in some of the Japan’s most renowned factory workshops with established reputation for high quality and craftsmanship.
Yellows plus frames are carefully and purposefully assembled and are within 0.1mm precision accuracy of the design drawing.
The frame structure is functional and made with high-precision components.
When Yellows plus becomes or will be called VINTAGE in eyewear history, I hope people would still think it’s beautiful.
I am pursuing such universal beauty for YELLOWS PLUS design.

Tonysame focus on creating distinctive eyewear that embodies the essence of the brand: modern craftsmanship, contemporary inspiration and ergonomics in design. With a subtle and sophisticated styl;e that is made to live past fads and trends. The brand combines Japanese technique and Parisian design, standing out for its meticulous attention to details, innovative color combination and the adoption of different materials. Clean and simple but not simple-minded, highly versatile for all different outfit.

BOSTON CLUB is a vintage-inspired eyewear brand originally founded in 1984 by BOSTON CLUB company in Sabae Japan. BOSTON CLUB was named after one of the popular frame shapes, “Panto” which is called Boston in Japan, spread all over from London to Japan in the early 80’s and each model name is related to United Kingdom. The collection has a wide range of styles from acetate Windsor rims, detailed filigree work on metal, preppy casual flip-ups, and acetate insert that were all on trend back in 1984. Those styles are now revived as a “new Japanese Tradition” by combining original collections into current collections to give a good vintage taste.

Masunaga Optical 是日本眼鏡品牌,也是日本唯一一家擁有工廠處理原材料到生產全過程的公司。他們的集成生產系統提高了眼鏡的細節和質量。品牌的生產技術是累積了超過 100 年的結晶。
Masunaga Optical 於 1905 年在日本福井縣創立,是當時福井縣第一家眼鏡公司。創始人 Gozaemon Masunaga 從大阪和東京引進了熟練的工匠,志在將眼鏡行業紮根於福井。
“MASUNAGA since 1905” 系列的誕生是向滿載歷史的永恆經典設計致敬。
Masunaga Optical is a Japanese eyewear brand, and the only company in Japan that has a factory in charge of all processes from raw material to production. Their integrated production system improves the detail and quality. These technologies that have been developed over 100 years are accumulated there.
Masunaga Optical premiered the eyewear production in Fukui, Japan in 1905. The company founder Gozaemon Masunaga brought in skilled craftsmen form Osaka and Tokyo with the ambition of setting the optical industry solidly in place in Fukui.
The birth of the “MASUNAGA since 1905” collection, pays tribute to the classic and timeless designs of Masunaga’s own historical frames.

Its design is neat and elegant yet has massive presence, functionality and utility are combined into natural shape and embody the concept of that “Japanese Modern”.
JAPONISM was launched in 1996 with a philosophy to create a new value and make an innovation in eyewear with a style, beauty and high quality made in Japan that others can never follow. This has always been our mission and is reflected in the brand name. It was named after “Japonisme”, the huge impact of Japanese art, fashion and aesthetics on European culture with electrifying new ideas of com position, color, and design that happened in the late 19th century. Our neat yet elegant styles embody the Japanese Modern and are composed of utility and functionality.

United Kingdom
Cutler and Gross,擁有最悠久歷史的小眾眼鏡品牌,其英國血統更勝以往,即使在歐洲也有強大的影響力。這個從 1969 年開始以傳承和強烈個性著稱的倫敦品牌,數十年來一直受到名人的喜愛。Cutler and Gross 的眼鏡以大膽的全框設計和奢華的金屬材質選項展現出卓越的品質和工藝。每一副眼鏡都在倫敦設計,並在意大利 Cadore 手工製作,保證給您訂制般的體驗和無可挑剔的質量。
Cutler and Gross, the oldest niche eyewear brand with English DNA stronger than ever, has a powerful impact even beyond Europe. Known for its heritage and strong character since 1969, this London-based brand has been favored by celebrities for decades. With bold, full-frame designs and luxurious metal options, Cutler and Gross eyewear showcases exceptional quality and craftsmanship. Each pair is designed in London and handcrafted in Cadore, Italy, ensuring a bespoke feel and impeccable quality.

Hong Kong
DonniEYE 名稱擷取自甄子丹的英文名字「DONNIE YEN」,更特別強調「EYE」,以表示品牌從他的視野和美學出發進行設計。一般明星品牌往往只著重外表款式,不過 DONNIEYE 卻突破傳統,內外兼備,不僅兼顧潮流時尚造型,更著重功能性、創新結構與產品研發,設計出配戴舒適、貼合亞洲人臉型的時尚功能性眼鏡系列。品牌巧妙地以「功夫精神」貫穿品牌理念和產品,特別對可以令鏡臂更穩固、靈活的功能性鉸鏈研發尤為看重。
The name "DonniEYE" is derived from the English name of renowned actor Donnie Yen, with a particular emphasis on "EYE" to signify that the brand's designs are inspired by his vision and aesthetics. While many celebrity brands tend to focus solely on outward appearance, DonniEYE breaks this tradition by combining both style and substance. The brand not only embraces fashionable designs but also prioritizes functionality, innovative structures, and product development. This results in a collection of stylish and functional eyewear that offers comfort and is tailored to fit Asian facial shapes. The brand cleverly integrates the spirit of Kung Fu into its philosophy and products, placing special emphasis on the development of functional hinges that enhance stability and flexibility.

EYEVAN 誕生於 1972 年,是日本第一個時尚眼鏡品牌,EYEVAN 一直以「眼鏡就是時尚裝飾品」作為品牌理念,設計出精美而恆久不衰的眼鏡臻品。EYEVAN 眼鏡由眼鏡之鄉、手工眼鏡的聖地 - 日本福井鯖江市所製,每一副眼鏡均是由經驗豐富的匠人精心錘鍊,結合了日本百年傳統的手工技藝以及尖端技術,展現出設計團隊獨樹一幟的美學觀與對製作眼鏡的用心。
EYEVAN is the first fashion eyewear brand in Japan, being born with the concept of “Eyewear for dressing as a fashion item” in 1972.
The products of EYEVAN are made by the hands of skilled craftsman and the state-of the art machine tools in Sabae, Fukui prefecture which is well known as the place of eyewear production in the world. With the traditional and the latest processes, you may feel aesthetic sense and sensitivity of the design team.

自然與設計的結合﹣ 這就是 Freddie Wood!
“製造純天然牛角眼鏡之複雜性” “材質的獨特魅力” “現代獨特設計”
結合這三點, 是 Freddie Wood 一直以來的理念和宗旨。
自古傳來的工藝配合 80 多個現代化的獨立生產方法以及每支水牛角獨一無二的紋理, 製造出每副舉世無雙的眼鏡,使每個配戴 Freddie Wood 的人都散發出獨一無二的感覺。為了完美無暇的品質,所有 Freddie Wood 的系列是在德國設計及開發並採用國際化的生產。每一副 Freddie Wood 也是自然與美學的結晶!
NATURE meets DESIGN - this is Freddie Wood!
The sophistication of genuine natural horn eyewear frame, combining unique charisma with modern unique design, this is the goal, which Freddie Wood has set for them.
Based on classic craftsmanship with modern methods with up to 80 separate operation s, unique eyewear frames are produced; each of them is as unique as the person who is going to wear it.
For all our collections, we start our design and development in Germany, as well as worldwide productions in order to meet perfection in quality craftsmanship. Each single Freddie Wood is a piece of Art from Nature!

GROOVER SPECTACLES advocates freedom and designs with American retro style to create eyewear that are not limited to time, place and occasion. Designer believes that everyone should follow their own mind and should avoid being obstructed by the past. To create things that are not existed before is what GROOVER is trying to do and hoping everyone to do the same. The idea of incorporating wings element on the frames stems from the longing of freedom. The brand hopes everyone can lead a brilliant life with a pair of GROOVER that embodies great emphasis to eyewear production.

h-i köln is produced in an underground workshop in Germany Cologne city Altstadt-Nord area ”Optik Augen-Auf!”. The workshop occupies around 20 square meter area, Peter Ozim is fond of nature and he chooses natural materials including mammut ivory, horn, wood, etc., There are nearly one hundred processes for manufacturing eyewear and they are all finished in the underground work shop. No more than 30 pieces eyewear produced per month.
“Köln” is German meaning Cologne city. This eyewear series are symbol of the city of Cologne, Germany's creation and technology. The brand creates natural buffalo horn eyewear combined with titanium metal texture, that is a noble combination of art and technology.

Hong Kong
源自 2004 年的 P+US eyewear,以個人化和獨特風格為品牌理念。 作為香港眼鏡品牌,採用功能性不銹鋼結構,憑藉獨特之處在業界獨樹一格。 設計師團隊著重人體工學,為每個眼鏡框融入個人化元素,完美結合設計與品味。 品牌不斷融入流行元素和新材料,設計多樣化、獨特品味的眼鏡,帶來非凡體驗。 每款眼鏡框都配備無螺絲、無焊接、彈性鉸鏈,優化日常使用體驗,適應各種頭型,提供舒適配戴感。 使用日本高強度不鏽鋼和歐洲油漆塗層,加強顏色附著力,延長使用壽命。
Originating in 2004, P+US eyewear embodies the brand concept of personalization and unique style. As a Hong Kong eyewear brand, it stands out in the industry with its functional stainless steel construction. The design team focuses on ergonomics, infusing each eyewear frame with personalized elements that perfectly blend design and taste. The brand acontinuously incorporates trendy elements and new materials to create diverse and uniquely stylish eyewear, offering an extraordinary experience. Each frame is equipped with screwless, seamless, and flexible hinges, optimizing the everyday user experience, accommodating various head shapes, and providing a comfortable fit. Using high-strength stainless steel from Japan and European paint coatings, it enhances color adhesion and prolongs the frame's lifespan. With six distinct series, the brand regularly updates its design concepts to meet the needs of urban dwellers.

來自韓國的獨立眼鏡品牌 VYCOZ 擅長打造功能性眼鏡,設計靈感圍繞眼鏡的本源,追求實用性。我們透過簡約自然的線條輪廓傳遞純粹之美。我們致力於設計散發現代風的框架,當中結合了專業的工學設計與精湛的工藝。
VYCOZ crafts functional eyewear independently, drawing inspiration from fundamental values and practicality.
We deliver aesthetic purity through simple and natural silhouettes.
We take pride in offering modern frames that combine professional engineering with skillful craftsmanship.

Yuichi Toyama, an impressive Japanese eyewear designer, uses his name to build up his eyewear brand. His brand philosophy is “traditional skills with innovative design” which means a distinctively beautiful design that features comfortability, functionality and durability. In 2015, he came across a group of kids playing “double dutch” in yoyogi park and came up with his most famous “Dutch design” which is composed of two metal rims crossed at the joint part of temple and front. In order to make this “Dutch design” stands out, light, durable and allergy free titanium all imported from Japan is selected for the materials. “Shadow design” in the lens is also a very unique characteristics of his collection.
外山雄一,一個備受矚目的日本眼鏡設計師,用自己的名字“Yuichi Toyama”建立了他自己的眼鏡品牌。他的品牌哲學理念是「傳統技術配合新晉設計」,言下之意是注重舒適感,功能性及耐久度的獨特美學設計。於二零一五年,他在代代木公園曾看見一群在玩「跳雙繩」的小朋友,從而激發了他創作著名的「Double Dutch」,其製作原意是將兩條鈦金屬線交叉於鏡臂和前圈的接合點。為求令「Double Dutch」更突出,物料均選用全日本生產,集輕盈,耐久,防敏感於一身的鈦金屬。鏡片裡的“影子”光暗設計也是他這個系列設計非常與眾不同的特徵。