Iconic Eyewear made in Austria.
Since 1964.
Exceptional aesthetic often arises from the combination of two seemingly opposing poles. Silhouette eyewear has always succeeded in mastering this art: Achieving unparalleled lightness through inner strength. To remain true to oneself and to constantly set new impulses. To create timeless design that also meets the spirit of the age.
Here in Austria, we have a long tradition of producing classic and innovative eyewear that goes right back to 1964. Our production philosophy – with its craftsmanship and emphasis on manual work – is akin to that of a cottage industry. The result is unique eyewear that will delight and surprise you in terms of its innovation. Excellent design and high-quality materials create a clarity of design that expresses the individuality of the people who wear them.
特別的事物總是讓人難以忘懷。特別是那些美觀或現代、輕盈或勻稱的事物。Silhouette 眼鏡就是將忠於自己的藝術與始終發現新的表現形式相結合,打造出符合時代精神的永恆設計。
在奧地利,我們擁有生產經典和創新眼鏡的悠久傳統 – 這一傳統可追溯到 1964 年。我們的生產理念在於其做工和強調人力作業,類似於家庭工業。這就是我們能生產獨家和獨特眼鏡的秘訣所在,在創新方面讓您驚喜不已。優秀的設計和高品質的材料打造出獨特的外觀,展現眼鏡佩戴者的個性。