
    Liò s.r.l 旗下有兩個品牌,分別是Liò Handmade in Veneto 與 iO Unconventional,後者更是多次得到國際性設計獎項認證。Liò在幾年前也收購了Filos品牌,為其重新塑造個性復古風格。Liò的設計使命是遠離主流,不做大眾化設計,專門創造奢華而古怪的設計,強調衝破常規的大膽個性。在Liò的角度,“Made in Italy”不是一句普通簡單的聲明,而是要確切做到全程100%意大利製造,所以Liò在眼鏡生產中使用的所有材料都是來自意大利,而工序也自然是在當地完成,給予消費者百分百優質、可靠的保證。在Liò專業的製鏡技術和知識背後,還有精湛細緻的工藝、可回收重用的環保材料、擁有相同道德原則和企業願景的夥伴和供應商。


    Creativity and passion have led to the creation of 2 own brands, Liò Handmade in Veneto and iO Unconventional, the latter particularly recognized by highly prestigious national and international awards.

    Our mission is to be far away from the mainstream, this is our real essence. We create extravagant and eccentric forms that underline our identity. “Made in Italy” is not a pure statement, but it is a 100% Made in Italy. We believe in the great importance of the ethical issue, since it is essential to inform the consumers about the entire traceability of the materials we use in our production and the quality of the entire production chain. Behind our Know-how, there is a meticulous craftsmanship, there are recycled materials, there is manpower and suppliers that share the same ethical principles and the same company vision. This is definitely our trademark.