
    IOVES SPA 是意大利眼鏡區卡多雷地區最古老的製造商之一,生產和分銷 3 個品牌:West、Amarcord 和 Diva。West是一個符合時尚界最新趨勢的現代光學鏡架品牌;Amarcord 是專為女士設計的,融合優質材料和新穎設計風格;DIVA 於1980 年推出,光學鏡框和太陽鏡均散發雍容華貴的高級氣質。眼鏡採用意大利製造的板材和蒙乃爾合金製作,設計靈感來源於珠寶和大自然。設計上會加入奧地利施華洛世奇水晶,讓鏡框增添優雅閃亮的細節。IOVES 通過銷售代表和分銷商的混合分銷方式將其產品銷往全球 60 多個國家。


    IOVES SPA is one of the oldest manufacturer of the Cadore Area, the Italian eyewear district, it manufactures and distributes 3 brands: West, Amarcord and Diva.
    West is a modern brand of optical frames in line with the latest trends in the fashion industry. Amarcord is a design brand for ladies which blends quality materials and fresh design. DIVA eyewear since 1980 are Made in Italy optical frames and sunglasses enriched with original Austrian Swarovsky crystals which enhance each frame’s detailing. IOVES designs this luxurious eyewear that is made from Italian acetate and monel, inspired by jewelry and nature. IOVES distributes its products in more than 60 countries all over the world through a mixed distribution of sales reps and distributors.