
    There are jewels which are only to be admired and others which must be worn in order to best appreciate their exclusiveness. EMOZIONE has translated these words into a collection for the woman with innate elegance and who loves magnificence. The passion behind skilled hands, capable of shaping the pure metal into a work of art, where magic is created by points of light reflected by Swarovski crystals and precious stones. EMOZIONE proposes excellence in terms of design, crafting techniques and comfort, all produced in the brand’s premises with care and attention by skilled personnel. Experience gained in the sector in twenty years of production has enabled designers to develop a dynamic approach to style in the choice of forms and colours.


    EMOZIONE 是意大利眼鏡公司 Pinoptik 的自家品牌,繼承了自 1985 年起累積的頂尖造鏡技術,融合人手工藝和創新科技,在設計上展現獨樹一幟、不隨眾的態度,擅長利用珠寶、色彩和大膽的輪廓,將眼鏡代身成裝飾感濃厚的飾物,為女士塑造不同凡響的過人魅力。設計師認為有些珠寶值得放著欣賞,有些珠寶則必須佩戴,才能最好地感受它們的美和獨特性,所以設計出EMOZIONE,一個適合天生優雅且熱愛華麗的女性眼鏡系列。品牌將純金屬塑造成藝術品,打造出不同的別緻形態,並在框面上加以施華洛世奇水晶和寶石點綴,讓閃爍耀眼的光點施展讓人情迷的魔法。