
    Centro Style is a family-run company founded in 1976 by Francesco Conti – current President – initially offering products and services for Italian optical laboratories. Over the years, the company has become the reference point for any optical shop thanks to the research and development of products designed in compliance with the needs of the end-user in terms of use, functionality and design while maintaining an excellent quality-price ratio.

    A team of over 150 employees works for over 8000 customers in Italy and exports to over 80 countries around the world offering a 360 ° offer that includes Small parts and tools for the laboratory: Lab Modular System and Service Center; Eyewear: men, women, children for different uses; Accessories; Lens cleaning; Custom product services; Vision Care and Low Vision.


    Centro Style 是一家由現任總裁Francesco Conti於1976年創立的家族企業,成立最初專為意大利光學實驗室提供產品和服務。多年來,Centro Style 持續進行不同的產品研究和開發,製造出在功能、設計、性價比都表現卓越的產品,在各方面滿足大眾消費者需要,因此在世界各地眼鏡店都可見其產品的蹤影。

    產品線眾多的Centro Style 團隊有超過150名員工。在客戶層面上,單是意大利就有8000多個客戶,產品亦出口到全球80多個國家及地區,遍佈廣泛。Centro Style 可謂提供360度全方位產品及服務,除了男士、女士及兒童眼鏡,還有用於實驗室的小型零件和工具、配件如眼鏡鏈條、眼鏡盒、眼鏡布、定制產品服務、視光師日常使用的儀器、視力輔助工具等。